How To Get Water Out Of Your Charging Port: 4 Easy Steps

Get Water Out Of Your Charging Port

Your charging port now has water in it. No matter how careful you are, even the best of us will experience it. In any case, you’ll need to remove the water from your phone’s charging port before you can reconnect your charging cable. So, how do you remove water from your charging port? Luckily, there are some simple ways to quickly dry your charging port.

How Can Water Get Into Your Charging Port

Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector alerts on smartphones indicate a wet or moist charging port or charging cable.

There are numerous ways for this to occur, but the following are some of the most typical ones:

  • Shower – if you leave your phone in the bathroom while you shower, the humidity can get quite high, creating a build-up of moisture inside your charging port
  • Rain – if you get caught outside in a rain storm, or even just a sprinkle, your phone can get wet
  • Pool – jumping in the pool with your phone in your pocket will certainly get it wet!
  • Spilled drink – spilling a coffee or water on your phone is another sure way to get it wet

Can You Charge Your Phone When The Port Is Still Wet

When the port is still wet, charging your phone can have unintended consequences. Pins and cables, two examples of hardware parts, can be harmed. As a result, either the port or your charging cable might stop functioning.

Additionally, while attempting to charge your phone, you could experience electric shocks. Check your phone’s IP rating, though, if you’re concerned that you may have charged it by accident.

How To Get Water Out Of Your Charging Port

Remove Moisture

To start, you must eliminate the moisture. Use a tiny piece of gentle cotton fabric to accomplish this. Now, rub the cloth inwards to gently try to clean the charging port.

After that, you should give your phone at least 30 minutes to dry naturally. Make sure not to apply too much pressure because that might force the water into the port. 

Get Water Out Of Your Charging Port

Leave It For Evaporation

Letting the phone naturally dry out is one of the best methods. The water inside the port usually dries up in a few hours. Make sure to maintain the phone’s upright position as you carry it out. Additionally, it’s best to place your phone in a room with good ventilation. 

Use A Wireless Charger

Try using a wireless charger if the methods mentioned above are unsuccessful in getting your phone to charge via a cable. But before charging, we advise making sure the wireless charger and the phone are both dry. 

Contact Customer Care

You can try contacting customer service if the aforementioned fixes didn’t help and you think the charging port is damaged.

For Samsung users, you can contact their Support page, or you may even visit their walk-in service center. If you have an iPhone, you can contact the Apple Support page. 

If your phone still won’t turn on after trying the aforementioned fixes, you might even take it to a nearby repair shop. 

What To Avoid When Getting Water Out Of Your Charging Port

  • Don’t blow air into the port. In fact, the moisture may enter the device more thoroughly if the air is blown into the port. Due to how cold it is when it is sprayed, compressed air has the potential to increase the amount of moisture in the port. Moisture is produced by the cold air condensing.
  • Don’t use heat. Some parts of devices, like the screen, battery, and seals, are more heat-sensitive than others, despite the fact that many of them are heat-resistant to some extent. Avoid using hair dryers and ovens to dry the water in the port because doing so could harm the port and other parts of the device.
  • Don’t stick anything into the port. Cotton swabs, paper towels, tissues, or anything else that will fit fall under this category. Pushing something into the port may leave behind debris or harm the connection points in the charging port.
  • Don’t place your device in a bag of rice. Since rice is so widely recognized, it can be seen in advertisements and on television programs. Rice has long been considered the holy grail of removing moisture from gadgets. Even though it has a good idea, this approach might do more harm. While rice does absorb moisture, it also leaves behind tiny particles that can harm your phone.
  • Don’t use isopropyl alcohol. You would be supplying the apparatus with even more moisture since isopropyl alcohol is diluted with water. Also highly conductive, isopropyl alcohol can transfer electrical charges generated by the device.

What If Your Phone Is Water Resistant

The majority of modern smartphones on the market are waterproof.

Although it is water-resistant, your phone is still susceptible to liquid damage. Water-resistant phones are NOT waterproof.

This means that if any kind of liquid comes into contact with the metal parts of your phone, they could still corrode and stop functioning properly.

The metallic pins in your charging port are the same way.

However, since there is no electrical current flowing through these metal pins, the liquid shouldn’t harm the device permanently (unless it leaves behind a film on the pins).

Because of this, when your smartphone detects liquid in the charging connector, it automatically disables it.

The connector strip could malfunction due to metal corrosion brought on by an electrical current.

How To Know If Your Phone Is Completely Dry

You can assume that your phone is completely dry if you no longer experience moisture or liquid detection alerts. Your phone is also completely dry if you’re not noticing any minor bugs. 

When Should I Call For Help

It’s best to call for assistance if none of the fixes seem to be working and your phone won’t turn on at all. Following such mishaps, a dead phone is a sign of significant damage. You can either visit the relevant Support page for your phone’s brand or bring it to any nearby repair facility. 

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